- The green heart of Norway
The green heart of Norway
Facts about the Kongsvinger region
- Business
Get in touch with the right business partners.
- Jobs and education
Jobs and education
Are you looking for a new job, inspiring education opportunities or a new business partner?
- Life and housing
Life and housing
Great value for your money, whether you buy used or build new. - The Kongsvinger region IPR
Regional cooperation
In the Kongsvinger region, we have chosen cooperation as a strategy for success.
- Moving here?
What opportunities arise when we have to ensure good access to power for industry, low electricity prices for people and as little interference with nature as possible?.
Available plots
Business development
An affordable place to get established. Industrial cluster 7sterke.
Explore the possibilities
Jobs and careers
Studies, courses and further education
Find your dream home
Life and living in the region
Save money and time!
How can we help you?
Available plots
Business development
An affordable place to get established. Industrial cluster 7sterke.
Explore the possibilities
Jobs and careers
Studies, courses and further education
Find your dream home
Life and living in the region
Save money and time!
Welcome to the Kongsvinger region!
We have many business development opportunities, every possibility for an exciting career and plenty of space for you and your family.
Keep updated on what's happening in our parts of the world
We give you stories from the green heart
What is it like to do business, work and live in our region? We have talked to people who would like to share their story with you.
February 3
30. November
26. November
17. November
10. November
3. November
29. October
25. May
15. May
11. May
8. May
5. May
29. april
28. april
24. april
Are you interested in vacant premises or commercial plots in one of our six municipalities?
Contact us Ola Boisen, business developer in Klosser Innovation, here .
Kongsvinger region on Instagram
Do you follow the Kongsvinger region on Instagram? You will find us here #Kongsvingerregionen
We are six municipalities working closely together and we are cooperating with the business community.
Eidskog, Grue, Kongsvinger, Sør-Odal, Nord-Odal, Åsnes.