"Interacting in the region is more important than municipal boundaries"

The claim comes from one of 15 working groups in a joint meeting of the municipal councils in the Kongsvinger region on 27 May. The municipal councils in the Kongsvinger region had a joint meeting on 27 May. Around 150 municipal board members attended the digital meeting. The meeting was filmed, and you can see the whole meeting here.


Victor Norman, Professor Emeritus NHH, opened with the Demography Committee's report (NOU 205: 15 - It's about Norway - Study on the consequences of demographic challenges in the districts)

Norman pointed out, among other things:

Emigration from the districts has stopped because there are so few young people left who can move. This applies to the whole of Norway, but with a reinforcement in the Kongsvinger region.

There are not enough young people left for the districts to be able to reproduce themselves.

Population in itself is not an interesting quantity. The goal must be good societies, societies that are good to live in and financially sustainable; Demographic sustainability.

The reality in the district municipalities has become different.

Bolyst - you have to cultivate the format you have. We cant

A particularly exciting post, where Norman also discussed views with the participants. You can see the post with the following discussion here.



"Young involvement" is a project, financed by Innlandet county council, the State Administrator in Innlandet, NAV Innlandet and the municipalities in the Kongsvinger region. Kongsvinger municipality is the owner of this 3-year project. The project focuses on young people who are outside the workforce.

The project is in the start-up phase, and was presented by Lars Andreas Uglem (councilor Kongsvinger), Mai-Britt Aasen (leader of NAV Kongsvinger) and Hilde Opberget (project leader).

Presentation 27 May joint municipal board meeting Young involvement


The meeting participants were divided into groups for group work related to the current presenters. A lot of good work was done in the groups. You can read the result of this work here: Input from group work in a joint meeting of the municipal councils 27.05.21

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