Open meeting on energy strategy for the Kongsvinger region

Good turnout at the open meeting on energy strategy in the Kongsvinger region

We want to ensure good access to power for the industry, low electricity prices for people, with as little interference with nature as possible. The Kongsvinger region's energy strategy will help us understand the need for energy and further develop a region that is good to live in. On Wednesday 8 January, hundreds turned up for an open public meeting about the region's energy strategy.


What is the need?

The industry needs more power for new growth and green transition and the region needs more power for new industry and jobs. In addition, a capacity-wise stable power grid is needed for security of supply and emergency preparedness.


What is the status today?

There is too little renewable energy and we have too little capacity in the current power grid.


Our future – our choices

• Proactive approach
• Collaboration as key
• Seek knowledge before making decisions
• Need for an energy mix
• Prepare for changes

The region has chosen to focus of cooperation about identifying needs and realizing solutions. Society is facing major changes. In order to emerge stronger from these, we must make active choices that give us control. We do not want to be passive passengers on our way to an uncertain future. This lays the foundation for targeted development and good agreements.  


Industry's power needs

Review of the industry's power needs with statements from the companies themselves. Due to a lack of power and access to energy, we also see that more people are choosing to establish businesses and create jobs outside the Kongsvinger region.

Wide composite panel

A panel made up of participants from IFE (Institute of Energy Engineering), Sabima and Eidsiva Hafslund Vind responded to input that has come via the input portal to the Kongsvinger region ahead of the meeting. The questions that were elucidated were, among other things:
- Do we need an energy transition?
- Can't we just cut the cables abroad and build a new network for the region?
- Energy saving - could it be part of the answer?
- Use hydropower and Glomma!
- Is nuclear power the solution?
- What about wind power?
- How to take nature into account?

Collaboration as a strategy for success

This means that we must share disadvantages and advantages, make resource use more efficient and build expertise so that we have the confidence to make decisions for a green transition. We also have a social responsibility to produce the energy we need ourselves, plus a little more, so that we have the opportunity to be part of the national emergency response. 

The region must work together to develop a joint energy strategy with the following focus areas and solutions/measures within: 

  • New power 
  • Energy in business area strategy 
  • Open dialogue 
  • Unleash power 
  • Simplify processes 

Focus areas and solutions/measures

Open dialogue
As representatives of the majority of people, we must build trust by ensuring that all information is inclusive and accessible.

1. Energy portal
2. Excess energy

Unleash power
Through the municipality's role as owner and purchaser of buildings, we can get more out of less energy.

3. The region's energy coordinator
4. Energy requirements

Simplify processes
As a driving force and facilitator of green conversion, the municipality must make it easy for everyone who wants to produce new energy in abandoned tracks.

5. Express process
6. Green heart LAB

Energy in business area strategy
Through the municipality's role as planner and manager, natural values ​​and gray areas become part of the commercial area strategy, for the development of renewable energy, with as little intervention as possible.

7. Natural values
8. Definition of gray areas

New power
The municipalities in the Kongsvinger region collaborate on the development of new energy.

9. Joint plan for power and energy

10. A good deal
11. Influence map
12. More off the grid

The way forward

The way forward The joint energy strategy must be processed in the municipalities before the summer. There will be another public meeting when the strategy is put out for consultation in March, and citizens will have the opportunity to comment on the strategy before political consideration in June 2025.  


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