The Kongsvinger region needs a knowledge-based decision-making basis that shows the connection between our needs for jobs, the opportunity to live a good life in the region, natural diversity and energy.
We are therefore starting a process where we collect knowledge, discuss goals and ambitions for the region. We must also look at measures to solve the challenges we face, if we are to manage to secure enough energy for the industry to cope with the green shift. The goal is to ensure industry god access of power, low electricity prices for people, with so small engagement i nature that possible.
On Wednesday 5 June, we invited to an open meeting at Innlandet Science Park (InSP) to share issues and knowledge, with the aim of getting input into the strategy process around what is the challenge in our region.
The agenda for the evening contained themes around:
- Common goals and direction for the Kongsvinger region
- Hydropower - we have no more to go on
- What opportunities does nuclear power offer
- Energy mix, there is more than one answer to the power challenge
- Possibilities and limitations related to the power grid
- The way forward for work on the energy strategy
Good width in the posts
In the meeting, we heard presentations about the challenges in the region, common vision for the future - process, timeline, what needs to be done. Norsk Kjernekraft gave us an introduction to the potential, advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power. Glava Energy Center gave us knowledge about the energy mix. The question of line capacity and how we become attractive for development was highlighted by Elvia.
Objectives of the project
The aim of the project is to agree on a common power strategy for the six municipalities in the Kongsvinger region (Kongsvinger, Eidskog, Grue, Åsnes, Sør-Odal and Nord-Odal). The strategy will define the future need for power, and manage the development of renewable energy in the region.
Want to follow the process? If so, you can read more here: THE POWER CHALLENGE
See the recording of the meeting here
Couldn't you join the meeting? The broadcast can be seen in its entirety via this link at Glåmdalen: PUBLIC MEETING ON THE ENERGY MIX IN THE KONGSVINGER REGION