As you are probably familiar with, the second season of the public success Traitor been recorded in the Kongsvinger region in the last two weeks. The series is broadcast on TV2 in prime time in the spring, and the production of Traitor has given us a unique opportunity to showcase the region. Season 2, which has been recorded now, has great photos from Kongsvinger, Eidskog and Sør-Odal and mentions the region in many different contexts.
We invite you to a mobilization meeting on 9 March at 10.30-11.30 followed by lunch (for those who wish), where they will be informed about upcoming plans for the series. The meeting is held at the University Center in Kongsvinger.
TV2 and the production company Fremantle are currently considering where future seasons will be recorded. The location for season 3 has already been decided. However, TV2 is considering another location for season 4 and the upcoming seasons after this. Through dialogue with the production company, it has been clarified that our region is highly relevant as a permanent location for Traitor. A recording outside Oslo will, however, entail a number of extra costs related to accommodation for production personnel, catering etc. This means that a recording at Kongsvinger will require the host city/region to contribute to covering this extra cost, through funding from municipalities and business. In return, we will have influence in relation to where it is filmed, and the production company is willing to use locations throughout our region.
In the information meeting, clips from the filming in the Kongsvinger region will be shown and information will be given about the plans for the coming seasons of Traitor. Representatives for the region will talk about how the series will be used as a tool to create increased interest in and more visitors to the region. In addition, we want to establish a dialogue between the business world and public actors, about how together we can contribute to the Kongsvinger region becoming a location for future seasons of Traitor.
Registration by email to: We hope you have the opportunity to join the meeting — WELCOME!
(Photo: TV2, Jan-Petter Dahl)