- The green heart of Norway
The green heart of Norway
Facts about the Kongsvinger region
- Business
Get in touch with the right business partners.
- Jobs and education
Jobs and education
Are you looking for a new job, inspiring education opportunities or a new business partner?
- Life and housing
Life and housing
Great value for your money, whether you buy used or build new. - The Kongsvinger region IPR
Regional cooperation
In the Kongsvinger region, we have chosen cooperation as a strategy for success.
- Moving here?
Kongsvinger region
The job market
Over the years our municipalities have worked hard to fulfill several development goals of our region, and the strive to reach new heights is still top priority. Combined with a strong collaboration based on trust, competence and a common belief in an exciting future between the private and public sector we see a region with a strong future growth potential.
"During the time I lived in Oslo, I was of the opinion that there were few career opportunities in the Kongsvinger region. Fortunately, I was pleasantly surprised when I moved "home" a few years ago. Here there is a large selection of exciting jobs and it is fun to work on projects that contribute to regional growth and development."
Marthe Ødegaard, general manager, Øvre Søndre
Working together for growth and development in our region
Our six municipalities work together to help start-ups establish their business and support existing companies to achieve future growth. Sharing knowledge and experiences in well-established professional networks enhance growth opportunities for businesses i our region. In addition, we have offensive educational institutions that meet the business community's needs for skilled workers as well as focusing on groundbreaking nationwide studies.

A region with a diversity of workplaces and jobs
Service production is the industry dominating our region. However, we also have one of Norway's largest accumulations of industry and are one of the largest in Norway in construction. We are proud to have well-known brand names such as Maarud, Norwegian Hydro, Mapei, Magnor Glassverk, forestia og Glamox Luxo located in our region. Great entrepreneurs like ØM Fjeld og Concrete East also have their headquarters in the region. In addition to the municipalities in the region, we have exciting jobs in state-owned companies such as Statistics Norway og Ahus University Hospital ward Kongsvinger.
If you plan to start your own company or move your business here, the Kongsvinger region has a well-functioning machinery ready to help you in the decision-making process. Read more about our first-line services and how our company recruiters can assist you in a relocation process.
The private and public sector in the Kongsvinger region need more highly competent employees with both vocational and college / university education. In line with the digital shift and greater demands for automation in production, the demand for technical competence at production workplaces will increase in the future. In order to follow the developments, the industrial companies and the business community in general, will need a qualified workforce with higher education and professional competancies in many different functions and subject areas. In the same way, the region needs highly qualified employees in the public sector, especially in health-related professions, teaching and specialized positions in technical professions as well as other fields.

A life with a little more spare time
The labor market in the region is varied and integrated. Good infrastructure and commuting opportunities by public transport make this easy. Here there are many people who live in one municipality and work in another. The good thing is that there is less traffic and good parking opportunities mostly no matter where you go. Here, the car transports you over longer distances in a shorter time than what you normally experience in larger cities.

The commuter life - a lifestyle
The Kongsvinger region has excellent road and rail connections which provides proximity to Oslo - Karlstad and Oslo Airport Gardermoen when you need it. A large proportion of the population commutes to Oslo by train. Those who have the opportunity often work on the train and some have an agreement with the employer for fixed days working from home a day or two of the week.