Nuclear power and energy mix in the Kongsvinger region
On Wednesday 5 June, the Kongsvinger region invites you to an information and input meeting on energy strategy and nuclear power.
FOLLOW THE MEETING LIVE FROM 18 PM HERE: Public meeting on nuclear power and energy mix in the Kongsvinger region (
Input can be given via:
The purpose of the meeting is to increase knowledge about various sources of energy production and energy mix in our region, with a particular focus on nuclear power.
- Time: Wednesday 5 June at 18.00 – 20.30
- Ssaid: Innlandet Science Park, Strandvegen 4, 2212 Kongsvinger (capacity: 110 participants)
- The meeting is also streamed on Glåmdalen
In the meeting, there will be lectures from various actors, and information about the work with power strategy. The aim is to anchor the power challenge in the population, and ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to come up with ideas for solutions, which are included in the strategy process.
Due to the limited number of places, those who want to be physically present at the meeting are asked to register via the form below.
Background for the meeting
Today, the Kongsvinger region does not have enough power for new industrial companies that want to establish themselves. Some of the companies already in the region also lack the energy to operate in line with new requirements to reduce their own footprint or create growth. If industry cannot develop in our region due to a lack of energy, what do we do then?
The region has now started a collaborative project with participants from the municipalities, industry, energy, power grids, nature, environment and climate - where we will explore together: What opportunities arise when we have to ensure good access to power for industry, low electricity prices for people and as little interference with nature as possible?
The aim of the project is a common one power strategy for the six municipalities in the Kongsvinger region. Strategies will help us define the power requirement and manage the development of renewable energy, so that we enable a region that is good to live in.
This meeting is part of the strategy work. An open meeting will also be held where a draft strategy will be presented in the autumn.
- Welcome // agenda, goals and expectations v/Lars Gillund, Klosser Innovation
- Background // What is the challenge in the region v/Rune Grenberg, head of KIPR
- Shared vision of the future // process, timeline, what needs to be done v/Kirsti Strømstad, Klosser Innovation
Energy production
- Water power // We have no more to go on v/Gaute Skjelsvik, Hafslund Kraft
- Nuclear power // The potential, advantages, disadvantages v/Håvard Kristiansen, Norwegian Nuclear Power
- Energimiks // What can we do in the short term v/Magnus Nilsson, Glava Energy Center
Energy transport
- Line capacity // how to trigger further development of network infrastructure v/Ulrikke Bing, Elvia
- Questions from the audience - 30 min
- The way forward // process, invitation to #meet and thank you for today
More information about the project can be found here: The power challenge – the Kongsvinger region