Business strategy for the Kongsvinger region on consultation

Business strategy 2016-2028 for the Kongsvinger region

Business strategy 2016-2028, adopted by all the municipalities in the Kongsvinger region in 2015 and revised in 2020, will be revised again in 2024 following a decision by the Kongsvinger region's inter-municipal political council (KIPR).

Long-term business policy in the region

The strategy determines the long-term business policy in the region. It provides direction for the municipalities and the business development apparatus for how they should contribute to attracting investment and stimulating growth in existing businesses. The strategy also aims to contribute to the necessary interaction between business, municipalities, educational institutions and the business development apparatus. The strategy has the following main objectives:

  • Net growth of 100 jobs per years in the period
  • 70-100% real turnover growth by 2030 (measured from 2016)
  • 55% reduction (incl. transport) CO2 emissions in existing industry by 2030 (measured from 2019)
  • Increase inclusion in working life

Seven main strategies 

Challenges such as climate change, energy scarcity, fewer residents of working age and many out of work in the region and artificial intelligence will characterize and influence the Kongsvinger region until 2028. The question is how will the region meet these challenges?

The business strategy seeks to answer the question through seven main strategies:

  1. Sustainable growth
  2. Powerful and efficient municipalities
  3. Infrastructure and commercial areas adapted to the market
  4. Competence and R&D
  5. Competence recruitment and reputation building
  6. Strong alliances and cooperation on common goals
  7. Effective utilization of digital solutions and AI

The strategy requires cooperation both internally in the region and with national players and expertise environments to succeed.

Decisive with predictable framework conditions for business

Business has the main responsibility for its own development, but the municipalities and the business development apparatus must facilitate, offer measures that support the growth of business. For business, it is crucial to have predictable framework conditions. Together we must find solutions that ensure the necessary skills development and access to qualified labour, integration, inclusion, infrastructure development and solutions to nature and the climate crisis.

The strategy's focus areas – bioeconomy, industrial development, logistics, construction and knowledge-intensive service provision – will be decisive in the years to come. Focused effort on investment areas will strengthen the power of growth.

The strategy takes account of and supports under the Inland portfolio and state strategies for industrial and business development, climate/environment and knowledge.

Despite positive development in many areas, the Kongsvinger region still needs an active, strategic and joint approach to business development. A common understanding of the region's challenges and goals is also required to be able to act effectively now and in the future.


The deadline for submitting proposals for a business strategy for the Kongsvinger region is 15 June 2024. Proposals can be sent to Lars Gillund by email:, with the subject: "Consultation input business strategy".

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