- The green heart of Norway
The green heart of Norway
Facts about the Kongsvinger region
- Business
Get in touch with the right business partners.
- Jobs and education
Jobs and education
Are you looking for a new job, inspiring education opportunities or a new business partner?
- Life and housing
Life and housing
Great value for your money, whether you buy used or build new. - The Kongsvinger region IPR
Regional cooperation
In the Kongsvinger region, we have chosen cooperation as a strategy for success.
- Moving here?

Norway's largest reunion
On Saturday 1 February 2020, the Kongsvinger region showed itself from its best side to curious residents and emigrants. During the day you got the opportunity to get to know the business community in the region better in addition to good entertainment and activities for young and old. In the evening, a reunion party was arranged in Kongsvingerhallen with a terrific show.
Join a journey back in time and see photos from the big day that was filled with life and stir from early morning to late at night.
Photo: Eirik L. Marthinsen, Tycoon AS
- a meeting with the opportunities in the region
On Saturday morning, at Sentrum upper secondary school, you had the opportunity to get to know the business community in the region better. The youngest children were entertained with a packed program during the children`s day at Kongsvinger library. The oldest children were offered to test a number of activities during the all-day opportunity in Kongsvingerhallen. At the same time, parents could talk to the local business community over a cup of coffee, meet old acquaintances and new contacts, listen to lectures, stories from others who have moved home and be entertained by local artists. Nearly 50 actors from the business community attended and it was fun activities for young and old. It was an eventful day with good entertainment, life and excitement in Kongsvinger center.
- do you remember the unforgettable evening?
On Saturday night, a reunion party was arranged in Kongsvingerhallen with a terrific show! The evening's presenter was the entertainment manager, Tom Wangerud. On stage, Kingwings Crew, Matilda, Erik Lukashaugen and Tarjei Nysted, Blå Caps Impro, Loveshack and DJ Henning Kjøk entertained.
Odal Rockeklubb was responsible for the sale of refreshments and Holsæther Catering, Lørdagsbakken, Max Ivan and Syrian food dished up tasty temptations until late at night.