Circle Scan Kongsvinger Region - first in Norway!
Norway's first Circle Scan has now been completed here in the Kongsvinger region. In the last workshop, action plans were established for four circular pilot projects. These will contribute
This is a study that focuses on how to achieve circular economy in the construction industry in the Kongsvinger region. The project consists of 4 phases, and the region is now in the final phase where work is underway to establish three to four different pilot projects.
"The Kongsvinger region has the potential to be a frontrunner in the transition of the built environment value chain towards a circular economy. First, because of its abundance of wood and the use of manufactured wooden structures
in new buildings, and second, because of the growing interest and
practical examples already happening in the space of sustainable and
circular construction.”
Jordi Pascual, Project manager, Circle Economy
Norway's first Circle Scan has now been completed here in the Kongsvinger region. In the last workshop, action plans were established for four circular pilot projects. These will contribute
Welcome to workshop 3 in Circle Scan Kongsvinger Region - a fully digital workshop The goal of this collection is “business matchmaking” and strategy development. We hope to find
Circle Economy in collaboration with Circular Norway invites to a regional webinar on opportunities in circular economy on 5 May at 10.00-12.00 or 7 May at 14.00 -16.00.
On Wednesday 4 March, we were finally to see the results of phase 2 of the Circle Scan project. Based on feedback along the way, the consultants from Circle Economy have added
Our first workshop in the "Circle Scan Kongsvinger Region" started on 15 October. Facilitators were Circle Economy from the Netherlands together with Circular Norway. Those who