The Kongsvinger region (Nord-Odal municipality as the host municipality) has received discretionary funds for innovation from the state administrator in the Inland region for "Circular economy as a green transformation engine". This is an extension of the "Circle Scan Kongsvinger Region" project that was completed in November 2020. The "Parallel circular procurement in the Kongsvinger region" project is one of three pilot projects under this umbrella.
The public procurement power is large. By emphasizing circular criteria in the tender process, the municipalities in the region can provoke increased demand for goods and services that meet circular economic principles.
The project originally had as its main goal;
«To develop a competitive basis / set of criteria for procurements based on circular principles»
After having two introductory meetings with the project group, it has been revealed that the biggest challenge today for one circular procurement is a lack of knowledge about what is actually circular and not, and how this can be measured and decided. Therefore, the project team has adjusted the goal formulation has become something:
It will therefore be the project's goal to develop a "toolbox" for circular purchasing.
This toolbox should / can contain;
- General set of criteria for circular economy - how to determine whether a product / service is circular
- Where to start with circular purchases
- Marketing materials
What is circular economy
What does it mean for the municipalities to think circularly
Why carry out circular purchases
How does this fit in with other climate and environmental projects in the municipality / region
Project leader is Sofie Pindsle, Circular Norway
e-mail:, tel: +47 92 06 78 57.
Other project members from the municipalities will soon be appointed:
Nord-Odal municipality: Paul Reidar Løsnes
Sør-Odal municipality:
Grue municipality:
Eidskog municipality:
Kongsvinger municipality:
Åsnes municipality: