7sterkes Industriforum is organized on 3 November

The world and our surroundings are changing, and we must change accordingly. With the theme "CHANGE" as a backdrop, 7sterke and SpareBank 1 Østlandet welcome you to an inspiring day with many exciting posts.

Also join Industripub immediately after Industriforum. There will be an opportunity to socialize more and have something to eat and drink. There will also be entertainment by Lill Hege Åseng with a pianist.

7sterke updates the agenda and presents today's speakers with pictures and background information continuously, so follow the link here. 

Place:  Central secondary school, Rådhusplassen 7, 2212 Kongsvinger
Time: Thursday 3 November at 11.30-18.00 (lunch and registration at 10.30-11.30) followed by a pub at Manis.
Price: NOK NOK 990 for members, other NOK. NOK 1.250. Industrial pub: NOK NOK 300 (incl. food, drinks and entertainment)
Registration deadline: As soon as possible, but no later than 25 October

Register and read more here.

We invite you to a pre-party before the town party at Kongsvinger on Friday 9 September at 16.30-18.00!

Meet immigrants, emigrants, students and locals for an informal chat and mingling.

We serve something cold to drink and something light to eat. In addition, you will find out what the Kongsvinger region can offer you in terms of housing, jobs, leisure facilities, studies etc. Afterwards we go to a city party together!

You can find the entire program for the city festival HERE. Among the artists we mention Sebastian Zalo and Keiino, in addition to several local elements, food stalls etc.

The event is free, but we need you to register so that we can adjust the amount of food and drink.


WELCOME - we look forward to seeing you!

Location: Rådhusgata 4, 2212 Kongsvinger

#meets at Solør Mart'n 2 July at 12-15

In connection with this year's Solør Mart'n, a bunch of Solør companies and municipalities will be on display at Flisa Stormarked (the old Spar store). We invite emigrants, immigrants and others who want to meet exciting companies with skills needs. 

Show up between 12 and 15 and have a chat with the companies and municipalities that are exhibiting. A lot of exciting things are happening in the Kongsvinger region at the moment, and it may be a good time to talk about what is happening in the local business community now and in the future.

There will be elements from the stage from Forestia at 12.30, 13.30 and 14.30 and Skaslien Gjestgiveri at 13.00 and 14.00 - WELCOME IN!


Exhibiting companies and municipalities are:

A2media AS

Entrack AS

Tile Camping

Forestia AS

Borders Experience


Klosser Innovasjon AS / Kongsvingerregionen

The club AS

Kompass Bygg AS

Skaslien Gjestgiveri AS

Solør Business Park

Sparebank1 Eastern Norway

Våler municipality








HSE course starts 10.-11. October

Basic course in working environment / 40-hour HSE course Kongsvinger University College Center in collaboration with Studiesenteret.no. Key topics in the course: The Working Environment Act Internal Control Regulations Safety work Health-promoting workplaces Ergonomics Psychosocial work environment Physical work environment Chemical work environment factors Akan work The course is in 2 sessions, one in October and one in November. Both collections are in Høgskolesenteret in Kongsvinger, Strandvegen 2/3. Transmission via video conference Between sessions should […]

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